We Want The Same As You.

Auction your material for the highest possible price.



With over 15 years of professional experience and a well-founded professional reputation, we have the expertise to enhance sales
Unique conditions

Unique conditions

Our fees are transparent and unbeatable. We do not charge any hidden fees


We always make high-quality photos and provide detailed descriptions to ensure the optimal experience for our buyers and achieve the highest possible prices for our consignors.

How does the consingment process work?

Presenting Items for Auction

If you wish to sell a coin or your entire collection, simply send a list and images of the coins to our email address.
Presenting Items for Auction


Expert Review


Expert Review

We will evaluate the submitted materials to determine the eligibility of your items for the auction. If we find them suitable, we'll request your personal information to facilitate the preparation of required documents for the auction mediation and related procedures.

The handover of items, signing of documents.

We will reach an agreement on the handover of your items and the signing of necessary documents

In-Person: A personal meeting will be organized at our office, during which we will inspect the auction items in person and sign the required paperwork.

Remotely: The documents will be sent in PDF format to your email. You will print, sign them, and send both the auction items and signed documents using a carrier service.

The handover of items, signing of documents.


Cataloging for the next auction


Cataloging for the next auction

The key determinant of selling prices lies in the quality of both photos and descriptions. To ensure excellence, we capture professional images and provide detailed descriptions for each coin. Exceptional pieces receive additional attention with the creation of a video and descriptions in three languages.


Our auctions are featured on prominent global numismatic platforms such as NumisBids, Sixbid, Biddr, Onebid, and more.

Furthermore, we inform our extensive newsletter subscriber base and social media followers about the upcoming auction, accompanied by advertising efforts.

This comprehensive approach ensures that your coin is exposed to tens of thousands of potential buyers, collectors, and investors before the live auction, guaranteeing its sale at the highest possible price on that day.



Settlement and Payment


Settlement and Payment

After the auction concludes, you will receive a statement outlining achieved prices and any applicable fees or bonuses.

Once items are dispatched to customers and the 14-day withdrawal period from receipt elapses, the agreed-upon amount will be transferred to the bank account specified in the contract.

The payment processing timeframe varies, ranging from a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 60 days, with an average processing time of 40 days.


Achieved price of the item: Fees
Up to 1000 € 10 €
Between 1001 € and 5000 € 0%
Between 5001 € and 9999 € 2% (Bonus)
Over 10 000 € 5% (Bonus)
Brief Calculation Breakdown: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4
Achieved price: 500 € 1500 € 5500 € 10.000 €
Fee: 10 € 0 € 0 € 0 €
Bonus: 0 € 0 € 110 € 500 €
What you ll get: 490 € 1500 € 5610 € 10.500 €

Consign now

Free valuation for your coins or collection

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